crane accident attorneys new york

Every year, crane safety violations result in hundreds of injuries and fatalities nationwide – a statistic that is particularly concerning in a city with as much construction activity as New York. When preventable crane accidents happen, those responsible should be held accountable. A knowledgeable New York City crane accident lawyer from The Perecman Firm, can help you seek the compensation you deserve.

We provide practical, compassionate legal representation to injury victims throughout New York. Our attorneys have secured over half a billion dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients over our 40 years of service, so you can trust we have the knowledge and skills to advocate aggressively for your rights.

Contact us now to get started pursuing the money you need at no upfront cost.




We'll discuss options for your immediate financial needs, assess if your case is worth pursuing, and estimate the timeline for full compensation.


As your counsel, we thoroughly analyze all evidence and expert testimonies to build an ironclad case proving liability and the extent of your injuries.


As your trusted advocate, we pursue the maximum compensation you deserve, standing firm against intimidation and unfair settlement offers.


Why Hire an NYC Crane Accident Lawyer?

If you have suffered a severe injury in a crane accident, you know how much is at stake. You might need extensive medical care, rehabilitation, time away from work, and other costly necessities. During this challenging time, you need a dedicated professional who can investigate your case, gather helpful evidence, and identify all possible sources of compensation for your injuries and other losses.

At The Perecman Firm, our attorneys are prepared to advocate for your rights and aggressively pursue the resources and financial relief you need for a full recovery. We can handle every aspect of your case while you focus on your well-being.

Types of Crane Accidents in New York

Here are some common examples of the types of crane accidents that occur in NYC:

  • Boom failure or boom collapse accidents
  • Complete or partial crane collapse accidents
  • Crane overturns or rollover accidents
  • Overloaded or dropped crane load accidents
  • Contact with power line accidents
  • Collisions with people, vehicles, or objects

Causes of Crane Accidents in New York

  • Inadequate worker training
  • Inexperienced crane operators
  • Using the wrong crane for the job
  • Loads that are too heavy
  • Loads that are not adequately secured
  • Inadequate crane inspections or maintenance
  • Improper crane assembly
  • Operating on uneven surfaces
  • Moving crane loads over people
  • Operating in poor weather conditions

While compliance with OSHA safety standards can help reduce the risk of these injuries occurring, the sad fact is that workers in the construction industry will always face the risk of injury due to inherently dangerous equipment.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Crane Accident?

Multiple parties may be responsible for the maintenance and operation of a crane, and any of those parties might be liable for injuries from a crane accident.

Some parties and entities that might be at fault in crane accidents include:

  • Construction companies
  • Property owners
  • Management companies
  • Crane operators
  • Crane manufacturers
  • Crane maintenance workers
  • Construction project managers
  • Architects and engineers
  • Others operating near a crane

Injuries resulting from crane-related accidents can be severe and sometimes fatal.

The most common injuries include:

How Do I File a Crane Accident Claim in NYC?

If you were hurt in a crane accident in NYC, you generally have three options for filing a claim:

  • Workers’ compensation claims – If you were at work or engaged in work-related activities when the crane accident occurred, you could be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits through your employer. These benefits cover any medical expenses you incur from the accident plus a portion of any wage losses you incur due to missed time at work. You are typically prohibited from suing your employer for work-related injuries if they provide workers’ comp coverage. However, New York Labor Law allows workers to sue companies for their failure to provide reasonable and adequate protection to workers on a construction site.
  • Personal injury claims – If you are not eligible for workers’ comp, someone other than your employer contributed to your injuries, or you were not working at the time of the accident, you might have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit in civil court. For example, New York Labor Law 241(6) allows certain crane accident victims to sue contractors, property owners, and other liable parties for violations of the New York State Industrial Code. A successful lawsuit could compensate you for medical bills, lost wages, and emotional losses.
  • Wrongful death claims – If a family member dies in a crane accident, you might have grounds for a wrongful death claim. Compensation from a wrongful death claim is meant to provide survivors with the resources to cover the decedent’s final expenses. However, only certain parties may file wrongful death claims in New York, so it’s a good idea to discuss your case with an attorney if you wish to pursue this type of claim.

Potential Compensation for People Injured in Crane Accidents

If you can file a personal injury lawsuit, you could be entitled to compensation for a variety of losses, including:

  • Hospital bills and other medical expenses you incur due to your injuries
  • The full value of lost wages from missed time at work
  • Projected losses in earning capacity, if you suffer permanent injuries
  • Subjective losses, such as pain, suffering, and lost quality of life
  • Incidental costs, such as travel expenses for medical appointments

Warning Signs of a Dangerous Crane

If you work with or around cranes regularly, you should know the following warning signs of a dangerous crane and immediately inform a supervisor:

  • Outriggers, crawler tracks, or tires that are off the ground during operation
  • Crane operations that occur dangerously close to power lines or other hazards
  • Workers suspended from crane loads or crane hooks without personnel baskets
  • Crane operations that occur despite visual structural damage to the crane
  • Hazardous modifications to cranes, such as ad-hoc counterweights
  • Crane operations that occur near trenches or excavation work
  • Cranes that are noticeably out-of-level or non-vertical hoist lines during operation

Contact Our Crane Accident Attorneys in NYC Today

If you were hurt in a crane accident, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries and related losses. With over 40 years of experience, our team of NYC construction accident attorneys at The Perecman Firm, knows how to evaluate your case and advise you on your legal options. Contact our crane accident attorneys in NYC today for a free case review.