New York Occupational Disease Lawyers

protective mask and goggles laid on sheet covered with plaster dust

Have you developed an occupational illness in New York City? Depending on the nature of your condition, you may now be facing mounting medical bills and worrying about paying your daily living expenses while you’re off work because of your illness.

You don’t have to handle these issues on your own. An NYC occupational disease lawyer with The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., can explain how you can seek financial compensation for your occupational disease. When you hire us, we offer aggressive representation that puts you and your future first.

Get started today by contacting us online or calling us to schedule your free evaluation.

Why You Need Our NYC Occupational Disease Attorneys

Getting the money you need after developing an occupational disease in New York City can be challenging. Hiring an experienced occupational injury attorney can give you the best chance of success with your claim. For over 40 years, The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., has earned a proven record of success for clients, including more than half a billion dollars in settlements and verdicts.

Our firm handles more worker injury and illness claims annually than many attorneys handle throughout their careers. We have a dedicated, no-nonsense approach to fight for your interests and seek the maximum benefits you need and deserve. We are ready to put our deep experience and vast resources to work for you now.

Types of Occupational Disease Cases We Handle

A New York City occupational disease attorney from The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., can help you seek financial resources to treat any occupational disease you have developed due to your work. Some examples of common occupational diseases include:

  • Asbestosis
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Cancer, including lung cancer and mesothelioma
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Skin conditions, including contact dermatitis, eczema, and vitiligo
  • Tendonitis
  • Lateral epicondylitis
  • Hand and arm vibration syndrome
  • Hearing and vision loss
  • Chemical poisoning
  • Cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke
  • Infectious diseases, including COVID-19
  • Bloodborne diseases like hepatitis and HIV
  • Mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD

Common Causes and Risk Factors for Occupational Diseases in NYC

Occupational illnesses can affect people in virtually any line of work, even positions that may seem “safe.” People in certain jobs may be at heightened risk of developing workplace illnesses. Industries with some of the highest risks for occupational disease include construction, welding, manufacturing, healthcare, first responders, mechanic work, and work that employs tradespeople.

Some of the most common causes of occupational diseases in New York include:

  • Excessive noise exposure – Loud noises frequently occur at construction or industrial sites and can permanently damage workers’ hearing without protective equipment.
  • Repetitive use of tools and equipment – Workers who use tools and equipment during much of the workday, especially vibrating tools and equipment, may develop musculoskeletal issues.
  • Asbestos exposure – Using asbestos-containing products or machinery or exposure to asbestos dust may cause workers to develop life-threatening health conditions like asbestosis and mesothelioma. Occupational diseases caused by asbestos exposure frequently don’t begin displaying symptoms until decades after a worker’s first exposure.
  • Non-ergonomic work environments – Workers who must work with non-ergonomic tools or in non-ergonomic workspaces face significant risks of developing chronic musculoskeletal injuries. Soft tissue damage can also develop when workers are not trained on the correct form for work tasks.
  • Chemical, viral, or bacterial exposure – Construction and industrial workers may get exposed to toxic chemicals and materials, especially in workplaces that do not safely store such materials. Workers in any industry may also get exposed to airborne viruses from co-workers or customers. Healthcare workers face a significant risk of contracting illnesses from patients, especially if workers lack appropriate PPE or when accidents like needle sticks occur.
  • Workplace violence – Workers in many industries face a risk of workplace violence, including retail, food service, and healthcare.
  • Hostile work environments – Stress, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace may cause workers to develop serious mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.

Impact of Occupational Diseases on Workers and Their Families

Occupational diseases can have long-lasting financial and personal impacts on the lives of workers and their families. Occupational diseases may require months or years of expensive medical care. Some conditions can leave workers with chronic pain and disability, requiring lifelong pain management and disability services. Occupational diseases may prevent workers from continuing to work and earn an income.

Compensation and Benefits for Occupational Disease Victims

Workers who develop occupational diseases may have several legal avenues to pursue compensation for their losses. Certain workers with occupational diseases may have the right to seek financial recovery under New York’s Labor Laws, including Section 200 of the Labor Law, which imposes duties on employers to protect the health and safety of their workers.

Section 200 requires employers to provide reasonable and adequate protection for their workers’ health and safety. Workers may have legal claims when hazardous working conditions cause them to develop an occupational disease.

When a worker develops an occupational disease due to a third party’s conduct, they may have a third-party personal injury claim to recover compensation for losses, such as:

  • Medical treatment and rehabilitation expenses
  • Long-term disability care
  • Lost income
  • Lost future earning capacity and job benefits
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost enjoyment of life due to disabilities, disfigurement, and scarring

Additionally, asbestos trust funds exist so victims who become ill due to asbestos exposure can receive compensation. Filing an asbestos trust claim is another way to seek the compensation you deserve

New York occupational disease victims may also have the right to file workers’ compensation claims with their employers. The New York workers’ compensation system guarantees defined financial benefits to workers who develop a disease or health condition during employment. These benefits include:

  • Medical benefits that cover the cost of all reasonable and necessary medical treatment for an occupational disease
  • Lost wage benefits that partially reimburse workers for missed time from work or reduced earnings after returning to work
  • Financial awards for loss of use of a body part or bodily function or permanent disability

Understanding what types of occupational disease claims you might file can be difficult due to New York’s complex laws. Our NYC work injury lawyers are ready to review your case and explain all your options.

Role of Occupational Disease Lawyers

The legal team at The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., helps workers recover from occupational diseases by handling all the details of their legal claims so they can focus on treatment and healing. Let our firm pursue the financial resources you need for your recovery by:

  • Investigating your claims to obtain evidence linking your disease to your employment
  • Documenting your medical conditions and calculating your ongoing and future financial expenses and needs
  • Working with experts to determine the ongoing and future effects your illness will have on your life
  • Evaluating your options for obtaining compensation
  • Vigorously seeking appropriate compensation through insurance claims or in court

Get Help from Our NYC Occupational Disease Lawyers Now

After you’ve developed an occupational disease due to exposure to hazardous substances or working conditions in your employment, you can pursue compensation for the harm you’ve suffered.

Contact The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., today for a free, no-obligation consultation with a New York occupational disease attorney. Let’s discuss your legal options for pursuing the necessary resources for medical care, lost earnings, pain, suffering, and more.