The Perecman Firm, Supports Brain Injury Awareness Month

March 2, 2020 | By The Perecman Firm
The Perecman Firm, Supports Brain Injury Awareness Month

The Perecman Firm, is proud to show our support for national Brain Injury Awareness Month 2020! An annual awareness campaign led by the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), Brain Injury Awareness Month provides the public with information they need to better understand traumatic brain injuries (TBI), their impact on victims and families, and what’s currently being done in the field of brain injury treatment and rehabilitation. The theme for this year’s month of observance is: Change Your Mind.

Change Your Mind

The #ChangeYourMind initiative has been part of the BIAA’s educational efforts since 2018, and has been a driving force behind the organization’s mission to:
  • De-stigmatize brain injuries;
  • Empower brain injury victims and caregivers;
  • Promote resources and support available to those living with TBI;
The central message behind #ChangeYourMind is that brain injuries, no matter how they occur, cause changes in the brain. These changes can have unpredictable and profound consequences on victims and their families – resulting in emotional issues such as anxiety, PTSD, and mood or behavioral changes, physical deficits, decreased function, and mobility limitations, and what can be exorbitant expenses in treatment, rehabilitation, and needed care and accommodations. You can learn more about the campaign on

Brain Injury Facts

As a law firm that has represented numerous individuals and workers in the wake of preventable brain injuries, The Perecman Firm knows how TBIs can complicate and devastate lives. Because brain injuries and their symptoms are so unpredictable, and because they have the potential for serious and life-altering outcomes, we always encourage victims to seek personalized medical evaluations as immediately as possible. According to the BIAA, someone in the U.S. suffers a brain injury – defined as a traumatic injury to the brain which is not congenital or degenerative – every 9 seconds, and over 3.5 million children and adults suffer brain injuries each year. With roughly 1 out of every 60 people living with a TBI-related disability nationwide, brain injuries account for as many as 2.5 million injuries, 2+ million hospitalizations, and 50,000 deaths annually. Though brain injuries can result from many different types of accidents, there are some common causes – many of which relate to cases handled regularly by our team:
  • Workplace Accidents: Worksites see a range of accidents which commonly result in brain injuries, including falls, being struck by falling objects, caught in / between accidents, electric shock, and other forms of traumatic injuries. Because a blow to the head is not the only way to suffer a TBI, explosions, especially in industrial settings, can also cause serious brain injuries.
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: Motor vehicle accidents are among the most common causes of brain injuries. This includes commercial truck accidents, standard car accidents, and pedestrian and bicycle accidents – which pose the greatest risks for severe TBIs. Even when motorists and passengers don’t physically suffer a hit to the head, considerable force and sudden movement of the brain within the skull – which can occur with whiplash injuries, can be enough to cause trauma to the brain.
  • Falls: Falls have been identified as a top cause of brain injuries, occurring at work, home, and nearly anywhere people may venture. From slip and fall accidents at places of business to work-related falls involving construction accidents and incidents in other industries where laborers perform work from heights, falls put victims at risk for concussions (referred to as mild TBIs) and severe brain injuries.
We encourage anyone who would like to learn more about brain injuries to visit the BIAA website, and for those who’d like to support Brain Injury Awareness Month to explore the #ChangeYourMind Toolkit.

A Compassionate Team Committed to Helping Victims & Families

At The Perecman Firm, our award-winning attorneys are readily available to assist brain injury victims and their families following all types of accidents. As victims can face tremendous setbacks involving their daily lives, ability to work, emotional health, and financial well-being, holding at-fault parties accountable for causing preventable harm can be critical to securing much-needed compensation. Working with proven and compassionate attorneys is a good place to start. Have a brain injury case to discuss? Call (212) 577-9325 or contact us online. Our firm serve clients throughout New York City and the surrounding areas of New York.