Personal Injury Lawyer in Midtown Manhattan

personal injury lawyer in meeting with client wearing neck brace

Were you injured in an accident in Midtown Manhattan? You may be able to seek the financial compensation you need through a personal injury lawsuit. At The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., we understand that the legal process can be overwhelming. You do not have to navigate the New York legal system alone.

Contact a personal injury attorney in Midtown Manhattan at The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., to evaluate your case and advise you of your options for seeking money for medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses related to the accident. The consultation is free, confidential, and comes without further obligations.

How Our Lawyers Help People Injured in Midtown Manhattan

If you suffered personal injuries in an accident in Midtown Manhattan, you need a New York personal injury lawyer to handle your case to seek maximum compensation for you. A skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer at The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., is ready to thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the accident, interview eyewitnesses, and gather records from your employer and medical providers to build your case. We can evaluate the liability of all potentially at-fault parties so every person or entity that contributed to the incident that resulted in your injuries is held accountable.

Following our investigation, we will be prepared to communicate and negotiate with insurance companies from a position of strength so you can focus on healing. Rest assured that we will handle all aspects of your personal injury claim while keeping you informed about its progress. We will not hesitate to proceed to trial if the insurance companies refuse to negotiate in good faith or offer you the full and fair settlement you deserve. Our veteran legal team has extensive courtroom experience and will be ready to try your case if necessary.

What sets us apart from other law firms? At The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., we have the experience to handle all types of personal injury cases, regardless of the complexity. We have secured over half a billion dollars in settlements and court verdicts for our deserving clients in over 40 years of legal service to the residents of New York. With a Midtown Manhattan personal injury lawyer from The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., you can be confident that your case is in good hands while you recover from your injuries.

Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle in Midtown Manhattan

Our personal injury attorneys are ready to handle your injury case in Midtown Manhattan. From motor vehicle accidents to workplace injuries to medical malpractice cases and more, we assist New Yorkers like you who are facing unexpected medical expenses and lost wages after accidents that weren’t their fault.

We are dedicated to pursuing the money our clients need for cases involving:

  • Car crashes
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Wrongful death

At The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., we have extensive experience litigating various motor vehicle accidents, including truck, pedestrian, and e-scooter accidents. We are also adept at handling hit-and-run, subway, and bus accidents. Whether a head-on, rear-end, or side-impact collision, we can handle the case. And, if the driver responsible for the accident that caused your injuries was driving under the influence, distracted, or otherwise careless, we will fight to hold them accountable for their wrongful actions and your injuries.

Our attorneys also help accident victims who were injured on the job. We can help in the aftermath of workplace injuries, including construction accidents. In conjunction with our vast experience with personal injury lawsuits, we are well-equipped to handle your Midtown Manhattan worker’s compensation claim. We pride ourselves on getting hard-working people the money and medical benefits they deserve for injuries sustained at work, through New York Labor Law claims, workers’ compensation claims, and other third-party lawsuits when possible.

Were you injured at the hands of a medical provider? The personal injury attorneys at our firm also have the legal skills and knowledge to help victims of negligent healthcare pursue the money they deserve through medical malpractice claims. If an anesthesia error, surgical error, wrong diagnosis, or other medical mistake caused your injury, call us today to learn how we can handle your case as you heal.

Whatever type of case you have, your first choice for a personal injury lawyer in Midtown Manhattan should be The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C.

Common Types of Personal Injuries

Accidents in Midtown Manhattan can lead to severe personal injuries, such as:

  • Traumatic brain injuries – Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) result from a sharp jolt or blow to the head. TBIs are debilitating injuries that can render you unable to work, care for yourself, or participate in the activities you once enjoyed.
  • Severe burns – Hot surfaces and chemicals can cause debilitating burns. They often result from industrial accidents and fires that ignited due to defective products. Drivers and passengers in car accidents can also be burned if the vehicle catches fire. Burns can cause severe disfigurement, which can also take a mental toll on the victim.
  • Back and spinal cord injuries – Traumatic spinal cord injuries are typically the result of accidents such as traffic collisions and slip and falls. Damage to the spinal cord can result in paralysis. Given the number of pedestrians and motor vehicles in Midtown Manhattan, these severe injuries are not uncommon.
  • Neck injuries and whiplash – The delicate soft tissues in the neck and upper back are prone to injury when they undergo violent motions such as those common in car accidents.
  • Bone fractures – According to the Cleveland Clinic, broken bones are usually caused by traumatic events like motor vehicle accidents and falls. The length of time it may take you to recover depends on which bones are fractured, the nature of the fracture, and the cause of the fracture.
  • Severed, crushed, or amputated limbs – A traumatic amputation is the loss of a limb, such as an arm or leg, as the direct result of an injury rather than surgical intervention. Motorcyclists are at particular risk of traumatic amputation in the event of an accident because they do not have the protection of a vehicle in an accident. Construction accidents are another common cause of amputation.
  • Facial injuries and disfigurement – Facial injuries, including eye injuries, can be particularly traumatic for accident victims, especially if they result in disfigurement requiring the intervention of a plastic surgeon.
  • Organ damage – Internal injuries and organ damage to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver are most often due to car accidents but can also occur in falls and other accidents. Internal bleeding often occurs with organ damage.

Scarring and disfigurement often accompany serious injuries. In addition to physical injuries, accidents in Midtown Manhattan also frequently result in depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health conditions.

Types of Damages You Could Recover in a Personal Injury Claim

If you suffer a personal injury, you may be faced with medical bills you might struggle to pay, especially if you are off work due to an accident. An attorney at The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., can evaluate your case and determine whether you are entitled to compensation from the person or entity that caused the accident that hurt you. Our personal injury lawyers in Midtown Manhattan can calculate your financial losses and demand maximum compensation, which may include money for the following:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium for your spouse

Statute of Limitations for Midtown Manhattan Personal Injury Cases

If you’re seeking compensation for an injury that was someone else’s fault, New York law dictates that you must file your lawsuit against them within a specified time. The deadline to file a Midtown Manhattan personal injury lawsuit is three years from the date of the incident that caused your injuries. The statute of limitations sets this deadline, and if you fail to comply with it, the judge hearing your case will likely dismiss it as untimely, and you will be unable to seek money from the at-fault party in court.

Although three years may seem like a long time, your attorney needs this time to build a strong case. As such, it is crucial to contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the incident. With a lawyer on your side from the beginning, you can be confident you have strong legal representation to meet the lawsuit filing deadline and other pertinent deadlines. If the insurance companies refuse to settle your case for the money you deserve, your attorney can file a lawsuit to pursue maximum compensation in court.

Let our Midtown Manhattan personal injury lawyers manage the deadlines in your case to alleviate the burden and stress you may feel about the litigation process.

Why You Should Choose Our Midtown Manhattan Personal Injury Attorneys

If someone else was to blame for your injuries, they could owe you compensation. The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., is ready to help you with all aspects of your personal injury case. We want to seek the money you need to rebuild your life and move forward with confidence and dignity. What’s more, you do not pay any legal fees unless we win your case and secure a settlement or collect a judgment. That way, you face no financial risk for standing up for your rights and demanding justice for what happened.

Our legal team stands ready to work hard to hold the parties responsible for your injuries accountable. Get started today with a free consultation with one of our skilled and knowledgeable personal injury lawyers in Midtown Manhattan.