What Is the Most Common Type of Construction Accident

scaffolding at construction site

Construction sites can be dangerous, with hazards and risks that can lead to severe injuries or even death. Every construction accident can be terrifying, and these accidents can seem worse when preventable incidents bring them on. However, you have rights to certain benefits whether the accident was preventable or not.

It is critical to seek legal help when struggling after a construction accident, whether due to a true accident or a third party’s negligence on the construction site. Turn to an experienced New York City construction accident attorney to provide the legal guidance you need in this difficult situation.

They understand the challenges and regulations that apply to construction site accidents and the potential liability of multiple parties. A qualified attorney will investigate the circumstances of the accident, gather evidence, and determine liability to build a strong case on your behalf.

Consider the Most Common Type of Construction Accident

scaffolding at construction siteThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports the most common causes of construction accidents. It designates four specific types of severe construction hazards as the most likely to occur on construction sites:

  • Falls
  • Struck by accidents
  • Caught in between accidents
  • Electrocution

Of these accidents, falls are the most common type. Consider that, in recent years, the agency reported 351 people had died from falling to a lower level in a construction accident. Overall, there were 1,008 construction site fatalities in one year, so falls comprised more than one-third of construction accidents and injuries. Falls are often fatal, and workers who survive their accidents often have serious and life-changing injuries.

Understanding the Cause of Falls on Construction Sites

Falls are some of the most common reasons people suffer injuries on construction sites. Falls can happen for seemingly no reason or due to someone’s negligence on the site. While fault does not matter for a workers’ compensation claim, it certainly should be assessed for a possible third-party claim.

Some key reasons construction fall accidents happen include the following.

Unprotected Sides, Wall Openings, or Floors with Holes

Most construction site accidents related to falls occur due to unprotected sides and edges or floor holes and wall openings. These accidents are significant because they are preventable but can occur on any job site if a worker takes a wrong step.

Various rules are in place to mitigate any fall on the site, especially from heights. These rules are put in place for a reason and are not mere suggestions. For example, using a guardrail system is critical in many situations and is a necessary investment if there is a risk of falling six feet or more to the ground.

Another solution is to utilize a safety net system. When workers are at a much higher level, the risk of serious injuries is much worse. A safety net system provides a barrier likely to break any fall, thus protecting the workers. A lack of safety nets puts workers at risk.

Personal fall arrest systems are necessary in situations where a guardrail system does not offer enough protection. When a construction worker uses them properly, these devices can catch a slip or a stumble, eliminating the risk that the person falls.

Other steps to avoid these types of construction accidents include:

  • Have someone cover maintenance holes adequately to prevent slipping into them or missing them.
  • As soon as holes appear, guard them until there is proper coverage.
  • Have someone complete a site survey of the location before the workers start. They should look for any holes or guards that are missing and present a safety hazard.
  • Use fall prevention systems, including guardrails, so you do not have to use fall protection systems.
  • Ensure that all team members understand all the projects underway, including the risks of falls when guardrails are being changed or moved.

Scaffolding Construction Accidents

Another type of fall risk for construction sites is due to scaffolding construction. Scaffolding can be safe to use, but there are various instances in which it may become unsafe or unable to mitigate the risks of falls. Following the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations for the scaffolding is an important step. Those who work with heavy equipment or building materials within the confines of a small space, especially in a space as small as scaffolding offers, are likely to see a heightened risk of falling.

In these situations, fall protection is critical. It takes only a minor misstep for a person to fall from scaffolding, leading to numerous injuries and losses. There are various ways that construction managers can work to prevent scaffolding injuries, and the first is the most important. People who build safety equipment must have experience and design the system to endure inclement weather and the overall functional aspects needed for the project.

Workers should always construct scaffolding according to the manufacturer’s specific instructions, including design, size, and assembly.

Additional steps to remaining safe when using a scaffolding system include:

  • Install a guardrail system on the scaffolding. It should help mitigate fall risks related to the open sides or the very end of the platform and provide a layer of necessary guidance.
  • Ensure there is at least a guardrail or personal fall arrest system if the scaffold is more than 10 feet above the property’s lowest level.
  • Avoid climbing on the scaffolding’s cross-bracing elements. These components are critical to providing structural durability to those using the system, and climbing on them weakens various components.

Unguarded Protruding Steel Rebars

While it may seem less common than other types of construction accidents, there is a real risk when there are unguarded protruding steel rebars that create a fall risk. These reinforcing bars can be very hazardous when exposed and pose a risk in many different ways. In some situations, a person may stumble onto one of these rebar components and face a life-threatening impaling. It can lead to serious internal injuries in nearly all situations.

Other methods for reducing this risk on construction sites include:

  • Giving training to employees on the risks associated with these areas.
  • Bending the rebar so the exposed element – its base- is no longer upright. That helps to minimize the possibility that a fall will not result in the death of another.
  • Implementing fall protection and prevention strategies if the person is working in an area with exposed rebar.

These types of accidents can happen for many reasons, but they can all result in severe injuries. Construction companies can take steps to increase safety, but they are also on the hook for workers’ compensation benefits if a worker falls and suffers injuries. If a third party was negligent and led to the fall hazard, they can be responsible for all the worker’s injury-related losses.

Misuse of Portable Ladders

Another common reason for falls from heights on construction sites is using portable ladders. In various situations, portable ladders are critical for a temporary boost to handle a project or a component within the project. Ladders are essential in almost any construction project. However, ladders are also precarious and can lead to numerous losses for those who fall.

Any time you are on a ladder, it can shift or slip from its position. The change in weight and the overall direction of the ladder can play a role in the process. An unsteady ladder, trouble getting on or off the ladder, and ladders with loose components are all high-risk areas for people.

There are various ways to minimize the risks of falling from a ladder. For example, the position of the ladder is what helps give it the stability it needs. Ideally, you want to position the portable ladder so there is at least a three-foot gap above the landing. Other steps to improve ladder safety include:

  • Be sure to use each side rail on the ladder at the top for a rigid support system. Use the grab device when three-foot extensions are not possible.
  • You should always consider the weight on the ladder. Most ladders have an upper weight limit that, if you overlook it, can lead to possible injury.
  • Also, note that the ladder’s proper positioning means it will not slip off its support.

Other Common Accidents and Injuries on a Construction Site

wrecking ball at construction siteFalls are only one of the top risks on construction sites. Companies should also protect workers from the other common accidents and injuries whenever possible. When a worker is in an accident, they should receive full workers’ comp benefits for medical bills and income replacement.

Struck By Accidents

A struck by accident occurs when some object hits a construction worker. There are various ways that objects, such as equipment, can hit a person in a construction accident. Some of the most important ways to prevent these types of injuries and accidents include:

  • Wear highly visible clothing, especially when working at night or dusk. Ensure all parties operating machinery know what clothing to watch out for to protect you.
  • Never position yourself in the line between the equipment and the moving equipment. There is no benefit to trying to stop it.

Caught-in Between Construction Accidents

Caught-in between construction accidents occur when a person gets trapped in an area or between two materials or vehicles. There are several instances in which this can happen on the construction job site, and most of them have the potential to cause serious crush injuries.

For example, to prevent caught-in between incidents, workers should only put themselves in a space five feet or deeper if it has an adequate surface. Other steps to consider include:

  • Do not step into an unprotected trench or excavation area. Anything more than five feet deep or across requires a protective system. There are various ways to utilize this type of technology.
  • Ensure that any trench or excavation is limited.
  • Be sure that when there is a trench or an excavation area, there is some protection around it. It can be a slope or shoring, for example. Other options include a trench shield system, which provides ongoing support to keep the clutter out.


The final type of most-frequent construction accident case is electrocution. Most of the time, electricity is vital to the job site, though electrical systems can be in various stages of completion. There are some notable things to keep in mind that can help protect against injuries:

  • First, you should locate all of the underground utilities in place. Then, dig. This work should be done carefully on every project and at various intervals to ensure workers are not hitting underground lines.
  • Another electrical risk comes from the overhead power lines in place. Any work with equipment involving a risk of electrocution should have a specific strategy for monitoring and eliminating overhead power lines.
  • When using portable electric tools, it is critical to operate them only if they are grounded or of a specific type that is double insulated. Anything else can cause significant injury.

Note that safety on the job site should be a top priority, though accidents can still happen. A construction accident attorney can protect your rights and ensure you receive the workers’ compensation benefits and potential third-party compensation you deserve.

Understanding Your Rights After a Construction Accident

David H. Perecman, Personal Injury Attorney

David H. Perecman, NYC Construction Accident Attorney

Workers’ compensation benefits are critical following a construction accident, but these benefits provide limited support. When you have suffered an injury due to another person’s negligence, such as an third-party driver or contractor, you might have important rights to additional compensation.

Turn to a local construction accident attorney for a free consultation. After this consultation, you should have a better idea of the process you are facing and the type of financial recovery you might expect. By having a dedicated and knowledgeable attorney by your side, you can focus on your recovery while they handle the legal aspects of your case.

Always seek medical attention for your injuries and then hire a New York City personal injury attorney right away after a construction accident. Their experience, dedication, and advocacy can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Take the first step towards seeking justice and fair compensation by consulting with a construction accident attorney today.

Consultations are free, so you have nothing to lose by taking action.

For over 40 years, David H. Perecman has distinguished himself as one of the leading personal injury lawyers in New York City, championing all types of personal injury cases including construction accidents, premises accidents, automobile accidents, and medical malpractice, along with employment discrimination, false arrest, and civil rights cases.